Monday, April 20, 2015

Picture blog: saying goodbye

Henri and Aaron

Aaron and Kiong

Aaron and the Cuthbert family

Aaron and Stephen Wegner

Cherissa, Karis and Aaron

The Soumatou's and Aaron

Leaving Brazzaville

Farewell Congo

Oh but wait, you should see my monkey pictures first!

Michonne I think they called him/her

He licked me, and then they said he might bite.....

He was "afraid of Mondeles (white people)"

But hey, he warmed up to me.

Picture blog: Group fun and River Adventures

Game nights!
Pictionary....apparently I'm really bad

The moment Kara wanted to take over the world

Crocodile meat

Spiders :)


Sand dunes!

The DINOSAUR! (Not really)

"You can have it as a pet....or eat it." - man selling the dragon

Jungle Adventures

Palm tree forest

Finding the secret beach!

Sephora, Amanda, Stephanie


Not really sure...

Group shot in the river....thank God for indestructible cameras

Trying to buy fish....

We swam to the DRC! Well, the Island....that is halfway between the DRC and the Congo....but we tried.

Only you can prevent forest fires

Pretty awesome tree

Adventures on the Oubangui River

Do these float?

Gylvie - Our river guide

Poor dog getting thrown into the it Sparky!?

Nope, Sparky was with us. Phew. 

Getting tips on how to paddle

Learning to paddle alone

I think we tipped right after this....

He wanted a picture with Amanda, but settled for me

Gylvie and Aaron

Trying to sell Kara for 50 goats, 30 sheep, and some chickens

The negotiations were actually going well

He even agreed to throw in a diamond ring

Flips off a tire anyone?

River Videos

Flipping off a tire at the edge of the sandbar.....into 3ish feet of water....

I may have felt the peer pressure to flip off a tire into shallow water.....

So why stop there? They asked me to do a backflip....

They chanted that the "Mondele was strong" after, so I guess I did ok :)

Leprosy clinic

Another worship shot

Random baby goat pictures

What baby goats sound like.....